Committed to Local Hire and Developing a Strong Workforce
Whether you are in school or currently looking for a job, planning ahead for a future career can be challenging. Identifying early what job you might want and acquiring the necessary training and skills needed beforehand will make you a more desirable candidate for employment. By completing the job requirements (such as certifications, training or education) before a potential position is opened, you will have a better chance of being hired.
Donlin Gold anticipates hiring for construction of the project, which will take an estimated three to four years, and for operation of the mine, which will last an estimated 27 years.
We are excited about the potential job opportunities Donlin Gold can bring to the state of Alaska for many years to come, and we hope you will take the right steps now to qualify for a future job with our company.
As part of our commitment to providing employment opportunities to Calista Corporation shareholders and other residents of the Y-K region, Donlin Gold supports schools in the region, scholarships through Calista and The Kuskokwim Corporation and a range of training programs.
How many jobs would the project create?
Short answer: A significant number of jobs will be created, but until we’ve completed the permitting and planning phases, we cannot be sure exactly how many.
Click here to view our informative, 52-page book on how to prepare for a job at Donlin Gold and what to expect.
Exploration PhaseDuring exploration, the Donlin Gold workforce has included up to 240 employees.
Construction PhaseOnce the permitting phase is completed and we begin to build the mine and its related support infrastructure, construction contractors would need to fill jobs to build the project facilities, natural-gas pipeline, ports and roads.
Operation PhaseIf developed, the Donlin Gold project would be one of the largest employers in the Y-K region. Once the construction on the project is completed, different jobs would be created to operate the mine. Operation of the mine is anticipated to last 27 years, possibly more, so these jobs are long-term careers.
Local HireJust as there is now, a local-hire program would be in place to provide jobs to residents in the Y-K region.
Donlin Gold is a drug- and alcohol-free workplace.
2525 C St., Suite 450
Anchorage, AK 99503
T: (888) 225-7590 or (907) 273-0200