Operating and powering the mine will require fuel and other supplies to be transported to the site. Many of these materials will be transported to the project by barges that will travel up the Kuskokwim River during the shipping season, between June and October.

In our ongoing planning, the introduction of a proposed natural-gas pipeline to supply power to the project reduced the estimated amount of diesel to be barged on the river by approximately 80 million gallons. This also reduced the estimated number of barges needed to approximately one fuel barge and one supply barge leaving the port each day.

Though a spill is unlikely, Donlin Gold will have an emergency spill-response plan ready to implement. The plan will include staged response equipment and trained response crews.

Get in touch.

2525 C St., Suite 450
Anchorage, AK 99503
T: (888) 225-7590 or (907) 273-0200